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Βοήθεια για εντωπισμό πηγής αποσπάσματος


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Ψάχνω την "πηγή" αυτού του κειμένου... Το μόνο στοιχείο που έχω είναι οτι αποτελεί μέρος του "The secret of secrets"... το οποίο επίσης δεν ξέρω τι είναι.


"Remember, what is consistency? It means my today has to be obedient to my yesterday -- that is consistency. My present has to be obedient with my past -- that is consistency. But then how am I going to grow? Then how am I going to move? If I remain consistent with the past, then there is no growth possible. Growth means inconsistency. Your today has to go beyond your yesterday, has to be inconsistent with it, has to use it as a stepping-stone, has not to be confined by it. And your tomorrow has to go beyond your today. If you go on moving away from your past each day, you will be growing, you will be reaching higher peaks. Consistent people are stupid people. Their life is stagnant. They stink of death. They are like corpses: they go on rotting, they don't live.


(...) I constantly change, because change is the very soul of life. Except change, nothing is eternal. I am committed to change. Change is my God, because that is the only unchanging phenomenon in life. Hence I call it God. Everything else changes: life changes, death changes -- only change remains.


(...)Those who are not courageous enough, who don't have guts to accept the unknown future and to remain available to the unknowable and the mysterious, and who are in a hurry to have a dogma, a belief system, a philosophy -- so that they can stop growing, so that they can cling to the dogma, so that they can become fanatics about the dogma; those who are constantly in search of a certain orthodoxy in which nothing will ever change -- these are the dead people, cowards.


(...)First, whatsoever situation you are in is a God-given situation; don't reject it. It is an opportunity, an occasion to grow. If you escape from the opportunity, you will not grow. The people who go to the Himalayan caves and start living there and become very much attached to the caves remain ungrownup. They remain childish. They have not become seasoned. If you bring them to the world they will be shattered, they will not be able to bear it.


(...)If you have seen the witness, then the third thing becomes possible: you will see the beauty of the flow. You will not hanker for security and you will not hanker for things to remain as they are. You will start moving with the river, you will become part of the river of existence. You will start enjoying change. People are REALLY afraid of change, VERY afraid of change. Even if the change is for the better, they are afraid. They are afraid of the new because the mind becomes very clever with the old and is always embarrassed with the new. With the new the mind has to learn again from ABC -- and who wants to learn? The mind wants the world to remain static. It is because of the mind that societies are conformist, orthodox. Millions of people in the world are conventional. Why? There must be some deep investment in it. This is the investment: nobody wants to learn, nobody wants to grow, nobody wants to be acquainted with the new. People want to go on moving in the old rut, and then naturally they are bored. Then they say, "Why are we bored?" and "How to drop boredom?" -- and they are creating the boredom, and they don't see the mechanism of how they create it.


(...) Boredom is not the problem, boredom is a by-product. Deep down the problem is: are you ready to explore the new? Are you ready to go for an adventure? Adventure means risk; one never knows -- it may turn out better, it may turn out worse than you had known before. One can never be certain about it. The only certainty in life is uncertainty. One can only be certain about uncertainty and about nothing else. The new makes people very apprehensive. They cling to the old. Hence, the conventional people in the world -- and they are the dead weight; because of them the world remains static -- they will go on insisting on their old patterns."

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Ψάχνω την "πηγή" αυτού του κειμένου... Το μόνο στοιχείο που έχω είναι οτι αποτελεί μέρος του "The secret of secrets"... το οποίο επίσης δεν ξέρω τι είναι.


Που στο καλό το βρήκες το ευλογημένο;


"Secret of Secrets" είναι στην ουσία, αυτό που οι μυημένοι στην Ελλάδα αποκαλούν "Μυστικό των Μυστικών"(Arcana Arcanorum). Μερικοί ισχυρίζονται πως η Μαγική Σοφία (ή Γνώσιν)που αυτό εμπεριέχει είναι απλώς ένας τεκτονικός μύθος -άλλοι επιμένουν πως είναι αλήθεια:υπάρχει μεν,αλλά το "κατέχουν" ελάχιστοι...


Το κείμενο βέβαια,δεν νομίζω πως έχει καμια σχέση με το προαναφερόμενο. Μάλλον ο τίτλος αυτός τοποθετήθηκε σε αυτό ως...κράχτης. Για να "τραβά τα βλέμματα"...

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